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Let’s All Write a Book | Chapter 2 – Part 1

Hi guys and welcome to my place! 😀

It’s time to start chapter 2!!!! 😀 Without further a do let’s go to the rules (I changed them a little bit):

  1. Copy the post you’ve been tagged from the rules down (with the links)
  2. Go here and read the rules
  3. Write your name and link it to one of your posts (The main character is called NoGender, and as the name indicates, does not have a gender, so if you want to speak in the third person use the word “it”)
  4. Write your paragraph (max 300 words with 100 words margin, so basically you can go further until 400)
  5. Tag someone’s post who wasn’t tagged before and say the following rule in the same phrase “You have 3 days to accept this tag”
  6. If the person you tagged doesn’t answer or doesn’t want to participate tag other person (again, tag a post and not a page)
  7. Write the Title “Let’s All Write a Book | Chapter 2 | Part X”,  being X your paragraph
  8. If you are writing Part 10 link it to Arthifis again
  9. Copy and paste at the end of your post all the people who have already been tagged in chapter 1, unless it says the contrary you can’t tag them again;
  10. People who said they want to be tagged again, if you do get tagged and write a part for this chapter delete the part where it says that you want to be tagged again in the list, the idea is to have only one tag for each chapter.
  11. To read Chapter 1 go here

Arthifis – Chapter 2.1

The seven maisters had created a circle with NoGender and Ligeia in the center. They also had diminished the light of the room and now the only light present was coming from the 7 candles positioned at the front of each maister making scary shadows in their faces.


Below of NoGender and Ligeia was a complex diagram written in blood, its center starting where their bodies finished. NoGender was scared, he didn’t know what was happening and it had received zero explanations. Ligeia had used all the time for explanations arguing and saying she didn’t want to do this, that she didn’t know NoGender and they were asking too much of her. However, after a while she understood this was an argument she wouldn’t win, she accepted defeat and decided to go along.

– Very well! – One of the maisters said, NoGender could not pinpoint which one – The time is near, you need to strength your bond before the time runs out. What you did in that library is just too rare and in the timing that happened… We can’t just say this is a coincidence. I’m not one to believe in destiny, but maybe you will prove me wrong. In conclusion, we can’t let this opportunity pass by, you need to become one before the time runs out and your wavelengths stop being in accordance.

– You will do the test of the tests. However, I’m afraid to say that it will only become harder from here. We will transport your souls to the spirit World. There you will need to find your way, work together and be able to come back. It’s not going to be easy, but it’s imperial for you to reach plenitude and reach your full potential. Water and Soul need to become one.

After this being said, everyone went silent and, without warning, all seven maisters started mumbling in unison some kind of spell in a language which NoGender did not recognize.

Wind, water, fire and earth, the four elements appeared and started circulating NoGender and Ligeia. It started to get more condensed and closer to them until the moment where anyone from outside would only see a multi coloured ball in the center of the diagram.


NoGender didn’t know what he was feeling, he just knew that it was not good! When he though he would not be able to take it anymore and just throw up, everything went black.

And that’s it! 😀 I tag ShadowCat to continue this chapter! I said you were going to get tagged sooner or later 😛

See you Soon! 😀

Chapter 1 Writers (besides Arthifis):

14 thoughts on “Let’s All Write a Book | Chapter 2 – Part 1”

    1. Yeah ahahah XD Really looking forward on how are you going to continue the story xD

      To be honest is from Google, I don’t really know ahah I was almost an hour trying to find the right pic but it just didn’t appeared xD


  1. Ooooo things are going places! 😮 This is a really great start to chapter 2!
    Hahaha I love how you’ve increased the word count 😂😂
    And can’t wait to see what Shadowcat does with this next! 😊

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you eheh! XD
      I had to do it xP 200 was in fact few words xD I think 300 with the possibility to go until 400 will work better xD
      Me too xP had to finish with cliff hanger though xD when I started writing I already knew how I wanted it to end xD

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hahaha true lol. This gives more room to develop an idea I guess.
        The cliff hanger’s great though :’)
        Oooo how how?!?! I need to know! 😱

        Liked by 1 person

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