49 thoughts on “Arthifis’ Classroom: Getting More Google Hits! – First Class”

      1. Hmmm… Naaah I’m still a moron ahah I just have a job that makes me to read a lot of stuff about this and try to apply the ones that seem to be interesting and that are going to work

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  1. so many good tips. so basically, my word vomits of 4000 per posts is bump by google?hahaha
    I do know the picture trick, since most people also search images and a big amount of unique ones from your blog gets hits too.
    and yes, buying a domain does help a lot. WP will bump your posts a lot too.
    thank you for the tip!!!! seriously, i just fumble around and discover most of these, lol.

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    1. You do need to be doing something right! I mean, your Natsume Book of Friends is in the first page of google xD

      There are different things that also changes the Google ranking such as bounce rate and time one page! Let’s say that your 4000 words posts work well because you are interesting enough to have people go there and stay to read all of it eheh

      No problem! Stay tuned because I still have many other tips but didn’t want to do a too extensive post. Contrary to you people do not take their time to read my posts when they are extensive ahah

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      1. yup, it’s right under MAL’s, right? I bet it had a lot of goggle search terms in it or something. hahaha

        oh, I have never heard of bounce rate and time spend on a site. that’s interesting.
        I should leave click baity posts to keep them engaged then, lol

        I write very long posts, so I know how hard it is when you get zero feedback. I’m subscribed to this series of yours, so I am excited to learn more. xD

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  2. Oh, great advise. Never thought of renaming the picture thing. As for no pictures in a post… I hate those. I can’t concentrate enough to get through just a mass of text. I need the break a picture gives. So I just scroll past such a post and the likelihood I return to such a blog is minimal.

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    1. Thank you! Glad you found it helpful!
      Completely agree with you! You need to have pictures in your post, not only because of the SEO, but for making people more interested and spend more time reading it

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    1. Ahahah XD That’s something I’m going to write in my next post! To write things “trendy”. Nevertheless, although it gives more exposure I think you should stay with what you like and want to write! This is supposed to be fun not a job xD

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  3. With slugs, you can rename them as often as you like with wordpress. Unlike most other places, you can change only change them once. I always change my slugs, since it takes the title of your post.

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  4. I guess I never worried about SEO much because it’s one of those things you don’t have to necessarily worry about to succeed as a blogger. That means I’ve known some of these tips for a while, but haven’t really optimised the Spellbook for them or in the case of the image tip, disregarded them (because in the cases that I do use images these days, I don’t use WordPress to host them).

    As for what Rocco mentioned about slugs, I’ve been giving Spellbook posts unique titles because it made it easier to refer to/remember posts (and search for them in the link-search window later), but now that I punch a few post titles into my search bar, I must get some great SEO hits from people who like to be specific…

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    1. Well, I don’t know about that xD Depending what you think as succeeding as a blogger. If you are talking about making enough money to survive by living only with blogging I think that you will need to give SEO some consideration since the people who may spend money on you will probably be outside the WordPress atmosphere xP

      Looool yeah, I think that having unique titles is better than having a general one who everyone does it xP However, let’s say you are doing a review. You can have a flashy title, but then your link be [Anime] review xP

      However, SEO is not one of those white or black cases. There are way TOO many grey areas xP

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    1. Thank you so much 🙂 It means a lot reading that since it was my objective :’) Being a digital marketer I’ve read a ton of blog posts about this and felt that they were always too generic and too theoretical… Glad I was able to do something different eheh

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