Anime, Bathroom Thoughts, Deep Thoughts

Anime Blogging Party at the Living Room

Hi guys and welcome to my place!

So today I am not doing reviews of my favorite animes/videogames! Today I bring you an idea which I called “Anime Blogging Party at the Living Room”… Wtf is this may you ask? Well to start explaining, first I want to explain where the idea came from!


The idea beyond this blog always was to be my house… That’s why I always start with “welcome to my place” and the objective always was to bring the most people possible together so we can have “OUR Place”!

Now, this is for everyone! To other starting anime bloggers who are trying to grasp the basics and to define strategies to grow, for the ones who already have a fan base AND to everyone that likes to read about anime!

So, what is the best way to meet people? YOU THROW A PARTY! And since I have a place it can be at my living room! This is the vision -> a digital space where basically you are in a party with a bunch of bloggers where you can say what you want (anime related of course) and shout out your work.


Well.. Now that you understand the vision, let me explain you how does this work in the real world 😛 I don’t know if everyone has a Facebook page, (if not what are you waiting for? It’s free and it’s a way to show your work) but I do have one! I’ve created a public group called “Anime Blogging Party” (you can find it HERE). The idea is for you to join and start posting things about anime and share when you write new posts. This way I believe it’s easier to find another people who have the same interests as you and befriend them, as also getting known by others 🙂

Now… There are some rules into it of course! Just think, what would make someone getting thrown of a party? 😛


  • No spam! Well, probably if you get into a party and start shouting you name every 5 seconds you will be thrown out. You can say everything you want, EXCEPT when it comes to sharing your blogging posts! You can only share in the group about your posts ONCE  a day! (and of course, if you are spamming other things that will also be a problem)
  • Going out of topic! So, this is an anime blogging group, this way when you are sharing a post it has to be about anime. For example I have a blog about anime and videogames, only the anime ones will be shared in that group.
  • No selling! This is for sharing your content, not selling anything. If the post you are sharing sells something in the middle of it, ok! There is no problem! However, you cannot try to sell anything directly in the group.
  • No Fighting! If you start punching someone at the party what happens? You will be thrown out of the party, here will be the same (and I am really strict about this one). If you have any problem, take it outside! In the group there are no lacks of respect to anyone. Of course we have different opinions and we want to discuss it, but it will be done civilized.
  • Have fun! The main reason for a party is or having fun! So have fun while doing it! 😀

Now! This is a party, so the more the merrier!!!! You have complete freedom to invite anyone that you think it will be a good add to this party! Remember, the objective is for you to know another anime bloggers / readers and for us to grow as a community, so when you are helping the party you are also helping yourself! 😀 Moreover, the party is for everyone, so if you have any kind of idea/suggestion tell me!

Now! Let’s get this party started!!!!!!!


See ya soon! (In my living room I hope eheh) 😀

27 thoughts on “Anime Blogging Party at the Living Room”

      1. Any time 🙂 I’m a bit busy IRL with some junk (it’s all on the blog) so don’t expect to hear too much from me after this initial check but I should be getting back into the swing of things by the end of next week (hopefully).

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Awesome, just wanted to make sure before I did so 🙂 I think ideas like this are pretty rad. Btw, I saw that you were interesting in learning about marketing and such, I’m a graduate with a marketing degree so hit me up anytime if you have questions about stuff.

        Liked by 1 person

  1. And thanks to Irina I got to your blog . This is definitely a cool idea which I am going to be checking out as soon as I can. I run a blog that does way too many things (lol😂), meaning I don’t only write about anime (but I do try that at least once every two weeks or so). I really do enjoy watching anime, and it’s always cool to meet new bloggers and new anime content. Good luck with this: I think you might just have struck gold here 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks a lot for your comment! 🙂 and thanks to Irina of course eheh I’ll be also watching your blog! Having a lot of things just makes your blog really dynamic which is refreshing 😀 I really hope that it works 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are very welcome. Looking forward to reading your posts in the future 😀
        It is both a blessing and a curse I guess the multiple subjects. For one thing I never run out of topics, but on the other hand it’s also at times hard to keep everyone happy with the content 😀 Thanks for the kind reply, and good luck with the Blogging Party. I hope it is going to pick up 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on The Aniwriter and commented:
    Add this to the list of stuff I didn’t know I wanted. I saw Irina’s post from a few days ago about this idea and thought I should do my part in spreading it along. Long story short, Arthifis is creating a facebook group for anime fans and bloggers. The link to the group is in the article. Hope I see some of you there.

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